Ask the team | QuickStarts Qld – Round 2
Question from QuickStarts Qld - Round Two Industry Briefing: the presentation suggested 2,200 commencements to date but overview slide on Round 1 indicate over 1,000 units committed. Could we please advise target numbers for Rounds 2?
Question from QuickStarts Qld - Round Two Industry Briefing: the presentation suggested 2,200 commencements to date but overview slide on Round 1 indicate over 1,000 units committed. Could we please advise target numbers for Rounds 2?
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I legally own a site that is available to develop to construct 2 x Townhouse dedicated to community housing.
Admin asked 26 days agoThank you for your email. QuickStarts Qld Round Two is now closed. You can register for updates at Register for updates | Your Say | Department of Housing and Public Works, and we will notify you if future rounds are opened for public submissions.
Kind regards
- the Community Housing Delivery team
I am a strategic planner with Noosa Council and we are proposing planning scheme amendments which offer a developer bonus floor area and in some cases an additional storey in return for 20% affordable rental premises. For this to be successful, it relies on the investor having subsidy/availability payments (gap funding). The way the proposed provisions work is small developments of say 6 -10 units in Noosa will have 1 or 2 small units which will need to and meet affordable housing definition etc. They will likely be individually owned units and for a take up the individual investor will need market rent income hopefully with the subsidy through a RCHP. Without a subsidy it is unlikely the provisions will be taken up given the small scale of development and cost of land/building/investment return. We have investigated this and while I have a response through our State Planning Officer contact (Danika Cowie), we would really appreciate if you could make time for a meeting with us to discuss the real pathway forward to progress affordable housing in our context. I can also have a RCHP sit in on the meeting as they understand our intended provisions and funding streams. Look forward to a response. Thanks Glen Conforti - Senior Planning Officer Noosa Council. PH 5329 6241
Glen Conforti asked 6 months agoHello
Thank you for your email.
Unfortunately, there is no open procurement round accepting proposals for new social and affordable housing projects. Unsolicited proposals are not accepted through this portal.
We will ensure information is made available as soon as any decision is made about future capital programs, including new procurement rounds.
Kind regards
- The Community Housing Delivery team
Hi, Has there been any consideration to when Round 3 will be announced for 2025.
Greg McMahon asked 7 months agoHello
Thank you for your email.
Unfortunately, there is no information we can share about future rounds of QuickStarts Qld at this stage.
We will ensure information is made available as soon as any decision is made about future capital programs.
Kind regards
- The Community Housing Delivery team
do you have a list of successful grants applicants available, which can be issued..???
CES asked 3 months agoHello
Thank you for your email.
Unfortunately, we are unable to share a list of the successful applicants and project through QuickStarts Queensland Round Two. This information is commercial in confidence.
Kind regards
- The Community Housing Delivery team
When will the outcomes of the EOI be announced?
ZoeD asked 7 months agoGood Afternoon
Thank you for your email.
The Evaluation Stage has been completed with final moderation underway.
We are aiming to issue the final outcomes letters before the end of September 2024 (subject to final delegate approval).
We appreciate the time and effort that went into every proposal and really your patience during this process.
As soon as we can issue the outcome letters, the team will be in contact to discuss the outcome and next steps.
Kind regards
- The Community Housing Delivery team
Hi, do you have an update on when successful grants applicants will be notified? Thanks!
YWCA Australia asked 7 months agoGood Afternoon
Thank you for your email.
The Evaluation Stage has been completed with final moderation underway.
We are aiming to issue the final outcomes letters before the end of September 2024 (subject to final delegate approval).
We appreciate the time and effort that went into every proposal and really your patience during this process.
As soon as we can issue the outcome letters, the team will be in contact to discuss the outcome and next steps.
Kind regards
- The Community Housing Delivery team
Hi, Are there further rounds of the Quickstart QLD proposed? if so is there an indicative timeline for the commencement of these? thanks
Yohan asked 7 months agoHello
Thank you for your question.
At present there are no future rounds approved for release. The department is considering future opportunities, and should approval be given to go back out to market, we will ensure that updates are provided through is website and the department's general website.
Kind regards
- The Community Housing Delivery team
Do you have an update on when successful grants applicants will be announced?
Narelle F asked 9 months agoGood Afternoon
Thank you for your email.
The Community Housing Delivery team is in the process of evaluating the many detailed and complex proposals received. We appreciate the time and effort that went into every proposal, which is why we are taking the same care to review all information provided and evaluate each one in accordance with the criteria.
We appreciate your patience during this process and expect to start announcing the first tranches of proposals in the coming weeks. The team is working tirelessly to have all this work actioned in the coming months.
Kind regards
- The Community Housing Delivery team
Hi, i have a block of 4 units DA ready to go In Bundaberg, will this qualify
Massimo guida asked 11 months agoGood morning
The QuickStarts Qld - Round Two procurement process closed on 12 March 2024 and no late proposals are being accepted.
You can email the details of these units to and someone will review and come back to you.
-The Community Housing Delivery team
HI, Just wondering if there will be more rounds of this grant in the future or is this the last one?
Jessi asked about 1 year agoHello
Thank you for your question.
Currently, QuickStarts Qld Round Two is the only procurement round approved to market for registered community housing providers and their partner organisations.
This does not mean that future rounds won’t be considered, but they are certainly not guaranteed. Please do not delay in submitting your proposals through this round (which closes next Tuesday, 12 March 2024), so you don’t miss out on this opportunity.
The Community Housing Delivery team
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