Public housing developments
Residential development defined as ‘public housing’ is accepted development in accordance with the provisions in the Planning Act 2016 and the Planning Regulation 2017, Schedule 6 Part 5. Development under this part does not require development approval from the local government.
In accordance with Schedule 6 Part 5 s30 of the Planning Regulation 2017, proposals for public housing are required to be considered against the relevant local government planning scheme.
The Director-General, Department of Housing and Public Works, makes a determination about the level of compliance with the relevant planning scheme.
Why we do consultation
When a public housing development proposal is considered ‘substantially inconsistent with the relevant planning scheme, we will publish notification online and in relevant newspapers, and notify adjoining land owners.
You are encouraged to have your say about these proposals by making a properly made submissions by the closing dates mentioned below.
Following the end of the public notification, the Director-General will have regard to any submissions received when deciding whether or not to proceed with the proposed development.
Lodging a submission
See the current development proposals below.
Send your written submissions via:
- Email:
- Phone: (07) 3007 4218
- Post:
Department of Housing Public Works
C/- Social Housing Delivery Office
GPO Box 690
Brisbane QLD 4001
To ensure your submission is considered as a Properly Made Submission, as required by Schedule 6, Part 5, s30(1)(e) of the Planning Regulation 2017, please ensure you have provided the following information within the public notification period:
- the full name of all submission makers, including signatures for postal submissions
- the residential address of all submission makers
- one postal or electronic address for all submission makers
- the grounds of the submission and the facts and circumstances that support the grounds.